Monday, August 18, 2008


The more I think of you,the more I

love you, I cannot see how anyone could

hate you. You have always been to me an

honest,faithful friend.and I hope my love is not an

object of contempt.It is true I once, said

I would never marry. but that was before

I loved you. That assertion you know was

uttered in a bragging manner, in fact not but

a lie, and I do not know why I made it. If I

could even pluck up enough courage to

offer you my hand I know very well you

would be surprised and I doubt if you

would accept it. I do not think I would

listen to a refusal from your lips and

thus make my 'whole life miserable'. To die

without ever expressing my love for you

would be preferable to that. If you write to me

I shall be happy; but if you do not

I shall be miserable and gloomy, for your letters

are a source of pleasure and a failure to get them

always make me feel like commiting suicide.

I hope you have read the whole poem. Do not jump with the joy. Now read it again, this time read only alternate lines (RED LINES) beginning with the top line. Cannot afford to face a failure as like, Can you?

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